Watch the inward tilt of the feet as they're drawn up for the kick. Anton has a great catch at the top of the kick, but more impressive is how he keeps his feet streamline. From the point at the extension of the legs, to the point while they are drawing forward... until the last moment where the feet pitch out, and grab the water.
Keeping the hips high through the stroke allows them to be drawn forward to set up the kick. Anton keeps the hips stable, as they flow with the body. They follow the hands, head, torso, in a smooth line.
Head position in breaststroke varies by athlete, but Anton shows purpose in his movement. Lifting the head and eyes for the breath, to better draw the hips and set up the kick. Getting the head tucked, and back in line for the extension forward. The two extremes performed with great purpose.
Anton's relaxed hands during extension give him a better connection with the water. His wide catch, but fast recovery to extension keeps his bodyline tight as he glides between strokes.
In this short preview of Anton McKee, watch the commitment to the LINE in his stroke. The point from front to back, without compromise.