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Feb. 27, 2024, How to Coach Breaststroke After Teaching the Basics

Feb. 27, 2024, How to Coach Breaststroke After Teaching the Basics

Monday Glenn EP: The Line! If you look for – or teach – only one thing in breaststroke, make it THE LINE. Glenn explains. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/3244-breaststroke-the-line> breaststroke swimming swimtechnique  :05 - get under :08 - get in line :09 - head should stay down longer :11 - lack of flexibility through the shoulders :12 - elbows at the shoulders :13 - arms aim forward and fall with the body - don’t aim down :22 - experiment with the width :24 - the point :26 - stomping back :32 - be careful not to allow the feet to fall as you initiate the pull Tuesday Brendan Hansen: Streamline Timing Brendan Hansen has mastered The Line in breaststroke.   <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/237-streamline-timing> breaststroke swimming swimtechnique  :02.9 - The Line :05 - The line! - compare it to the old guy in the first video :05 - show how much longer the head stays down :05.8 - showing in the head pierce on the insweep :06 - watch the path of the feet and how they stay high through the entire phase :08 - feet drawn up behind the hips :08.6 - front of the body is ready to accept the kick :20 - up tempo timing :32 - up tempo timing :44 - missle position :53 - narrow - semi streamline :55 - outsweep with head down 1:22 - piercing the surface 1:22 - get the head back under before the kick comes in 1:37 - streamline timing 1:48 - streamline timing 2:20 - missle position 2:22 - look for the goggles 2:38 - arms going forward Wednesday Breaststroke Drill: Separation Drill Here’s one of our favorite drills for teaching The Line in breaststroke. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1391-breaststroke-separation-drill> breaststroke swimming swimtechnique  :05.6 - front ready to accept the kick :10.2 - hands slightly aiming down :17 - delayed kick :25 - pull with no kick :33 - once you reach extension, initiate the kick :48 - keep the legs very straight through the kick :58 - gradually bring them together 1:25 - alternate a length of drill 1:33 - with a length of swimming Thursday Breaststroke Drill: Head-Down Pull Another key thing to look for when coaching breaststroke is whether the swimmer’s face is in the water until the hands separate. Learning this skill takes patience, lots of practice, and usually a few drills. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1041-breaststroke-head-down-pull> breaststroke swimming swimtechnique  :14 - initiate the outsweep prior to lifting the head :33 - keep the eyes under the goggles during the outsweep :38 - one option is to use paddles and a snorkel :38 - no breath breaststroke :47 - paddles increase the surface area and potentially the feel :55 - pull buoy to place the focus on the pull 1:06 - start to ride the “rise” 1:31 - initiate the faux breath 1:38 - take it for a ride - full stroke Friday Dave Denniston Breaststroke: Use a Mini Pull <https://www.gofundme.com/f/alwaysacowboy??modal=donations&tab=top&fbclid=IwAR1L-X6cgOxIhjwPp3LWfbkOqNF1RzqeDxRDbop74NALQYQf3H21VnL3OIA> One of the key things to look for when coaching breaststroke is the size of the swimmer’s pull. In many cases it will be too big. Teaching swimmers to use a mini pull may bring quick and noticeable results. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/589-use-mini-pull> breaststroke swimming swimtechnique  :08 - mini pull :10.5 - widest point :16 - quick catch :34 - front ready to accept the kick 1:00 - quick catch 1:05 - a bit wider than before 1:33 - elbows don’t go past the shoulders 1:45 - quickly dive back under 2:07 - watch the path of the hands - forward 2:17 - inward scull to quick hands forward 2:35 - kick initiated a bit earlier 2:54 - at speed - dives a bit harder 3:06 - compare slow - fast 3:23 - look how shallow he stays 3:28 - underwater breast pull 3:55 - mini pull 4:11 - underwater breaststroke Saturday Breaststroke Drill: Kick Recovery Awareness Another key thing to look for when coaching breaststroke is the size of the kick. In many cases it will be too big and too wide. A big kick may feel powerful, but it sets up a massive amount of resistance that slows you down and requires lots of energy to overcome. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2393-breaststroke-kick-recovery-awareness> breaststroke swimming swimtechnique  Pavel - 23.4 50 breast :24 - line from torso to thigh :31 - wall kick :38 - board kick on your back :44 - recover the heels :50 - kick on your back streamline :56 - keep the knees at surface or slightly under 1:03 - heels to hands 1:16 - heels to hands touching heels 1:23 - thighs to hands 1:48 - head lead to hand lead 2:01 - position 11 kick to swim 2:12 - position 11 kick to swim Sunday Breaststroke Drill: Kick Recovery Timing (Adam Ritter) When coaching breaststroke, watch for how the swimmer times the recovery of the feet. A small change in timing can bring big results. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2084-breaststroke-kick-recovery-timing> breaststroke swimming swimtechnique  :08 - torso to thigh line :17 - arms fully extended prior to the kick 200 IM 1:36 - look at the line 1:38 - look at how far he is through the pull before he initiates the recovery 1:44 - how far up do you need to go to get a grab with the feet Bonus: Breast Drill: Toe-Draw Recovery <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1968-breaststroke-toe-draw-recovery> Amanda Beard: Pull the Hips Forward <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/525-pull-your-hips-forward>

Feb. 20, 2024 - Teaching Breaststroke Zoom

Feb. 20, 2024 - Teaching Breaststroke Zoom

Teaching breaststroke – from scratch – requires patience and repetition…and a step-by-step approach for teaching the pull, the kick, and then the timing that pulls it all together.  This week we turn to Steve Haufler and Glenn for their teaching ideas, and point you toward the GoSwim lessons and courses that can help you teach the BEST stroke! Monday Haufler Breaststroke: Breaststroke Teaching Progression – Step 1 Steve Haufler follows a 5-step progression for teaching breaststroke. Step 1: Teach breaststroke body position on land. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1465-breaststroke-teaching-progression-step-1>  :13 - thumb lock - missle position :19 - standard streamline :30 - fantastic alignment - THE LINE :46 - same position as on land :50 - throw them like a dart :56 - small adjustments - arms UP to alignment 1:15 - keep the chin off the chest 1:28 - see the tendency of the chin - even with focus 1:33 - look at the arms out front - continue to teach 1:44 - toes - finish the job 1:52 - stay narrow Tuesday Haufler Breaststroke: Breaststroke Teaching Progression – Step 2 Teaching breaststroke kick requires patience, repetition, and a huge bag of tricks and techniques. Steve Haufler shares his wisdom and secrets. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1466-breaststroke-teaching-progression-step-2>  :05 - on land :07 - point :08 - flex :11 - turn out :12 - circle and point :15 - practice point and flex :25 - practice turn out and point :30 - practice them all :46 - the goal :49 - on the side of the pool… feel the connection to the water :58 - feet flat on the surface in the point 1:05 - allow the knees to bend the feet to the wall 1:09 - feet slightly apart 1:17 - show the flex 1:35 - front point, bring the heals to the wall 1:37 - pivot the feet out to the flex position 1:40 - circle and point 1:43 - getting it 1:53 - focus on the finish 2:03 - with some athletes, adding some pressure will give them a better sense of what to push with 2:09 - the flex position is a bit strange for newer swimmers - breast is the only kick with the inside 2:19 - practice some small kicks on your back 2:25 - hold the board over the legs and don’t kick the board 3:01 - practice stomach and back and try to minimize the hip drop and leg tuck 3:17 - show the heels coming up, not the knees tucking under 3:44 - knees barely outside the shadow of the body and show the flex 3:50 - hydrodynamic catch position 4:17 - direct push back to point 4:41 - torso to knee line without manipulation 4:42 - keeping the knees up 4:43 - torso to knee line with manipulation 4:47 - pretty good line 4:48 - reverting to big bend. Always keep practicing Wednesday Foundations of Breaststroke: Wall Kick We love this drill for teaching breaststroke kick. It isolates the kick, and makes it super easy for the coach to SEE the kick and offer verbal corrections in real time. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/3063-wall-kick> :02 - hanging on the wall… flat :05 - recover the heels behind to the flex position :06 - kick back to point :15 - flat against the wall :19 - line from torso to knees Thursday Haufler Breaststroke: Step 3: Teach Breaststroke Pull To teach breaststroke pull, Steve Haufler starts with the swimmer on deck. He introduces one of our favorite mantras: “I…Y…Scoop…and Shoot.” <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1471-step-3-teach-breaststroke-pull>  :04 - missle position laying on the deck :10 - use a noodle to keep the elbows forward :23 - proper head position at this point in the stroke - letter I :38 - separate the hands to a Y :53 - flex the arms to point the hands backward, or toward the wall 1:09 - THE picture - elbows in front of shoulders - hands pointed down 1:22 - scoop IN UP and FOWARD 1:27 - keep the wrist straight 1:48 - keep the initial practice SLOW 2:11 - continue practicing with isolation of the arms 2:28 - return to a float in missle position 2:33 - get the swimmer to outsweep gently to the Y position 2:44 - gently move them to the EVF position 2:56 - scoop and shoot forward 3:17 - “I” “Y” “SCOOP” “SHOOT” Friday Haufler Breaststroke: Step 4: Teach Breaststroke Timing Steve Haufler explains one of the most effective drills for teaching breaststroke timing: Breaststroke Separation Drill <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1472-step-4-teach-breaststroke-timing>  :13 - finishing each stroke before starting a new one is imperative in teaching :21 - thumb lock missle position and glide :25 - be patient in this teaching and always spend more time in the line :30 - front of the body is ready to accept the kick :37 - separation drill without breathing :47 - pull without kicking :49 - initiate the kick after the swimmer is back in the line :51 - the mistake = proper timing 1:00 - start the legs just a bit sooner Saturday Haufler Breaststroke: Step 5: Teach Breaststroke Breathing/Timing Steve Haufler teaches breaststroke breathing as a separate – and very important -- lesson. Teach it correctly and you’ll help the swimmer avoid a host of hard-to-break bad habits. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1474-step-5-teach-breaststroke-breathing-timing>  :02 - start teaching breathing by not breathing :03 - focus the swimmer on what happens on the scoop or insweep - the rise :06 - with a more powerful swimmer, the head may automatically rise above the surface :12.9 - swimmer about 1” away from air :15 - now rise to air without kicking :19 - alternate no breath with breath :35 - the real LIFT occurs when the hands are coming IN :38 - avoid the LIFT on the outsweep :41 - head still under when hands are WIDE :44 - IN and UP to air :53 - maintain head stability in going to air :54 - no breath :56 - with a breath 1:10 - keep the neck aligned with a tennis ball 1:11 - in and up to air 1:20 - watch the in and up to air - hips drawn - legs buckle 1:31 - release the ball Sunday Haufler Breaststroke: Step 6: Teach Full-Stroke Breaststroke Once the swimmer has mastered the pieces/parts of breaststroke, it’s time to put it all together. Steve Haufler shares his secrets. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1475-step-6-teach-full-stroke-breaststroke>  :04 - review the glide :11 - review the kick :22 - review the pull :27 - review the timing :34 - review the breathing :42 - start swimming Bonus Foundations of Breaststroke: Kick, Sit on the Side <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/3062-kick-sit-on-the-side> Foundations of Breaststroke: Kick on Your Back <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/3064-kick-on-your-back> Davo Drills: Breaststroke with an Extra Kick <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/187-2-up-1-down> Foundations of Breaststroke: Lane Line Pull <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/3068-lane-line-pull> Mention (for teaching): Davo Drills Roque Santos course Breaststroke Drills (the course) Foundations of Breaststroke Glenn in Endless Pool breaststroke videos

Jan. 16, 2024 - Lightning Round

Jan. 16, 2024 - Lightning Round

This week we feature GoSwim videos that are 42 seconds or less in length.  As we challenge Glenn to give a quick analysis and takeaway on each video, see how much you can absorb by watching small details with great intensity! Monday Kelsi (Worrell) Dahlia: Preview What’s the first technique point that comes to your mind as you watch Olympian Kelsi Dahlia?  For us, it’s how she undulates just above and below the water line. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2298-preview-kelsi-worrell-butterfly> fitness training swimming  Tuesday Connor Oslin:  PREVIEW – Backstroke Pull What catches our eye in this clip of Connor Oslin is the integrity of the line along his forearm, wrist, and palm as he executes a bent-arm pull. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2304-backstroke-pull> fitness training swimming  Wednesday Roque Santos: Head-on video When we watch this clip of Olympian Roque Santos, two words come to mind:  Hand Speed. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/519-breaststroke-head-on-video> fitness training swimming  Thursday Brendan Hansen:  Breaststroke Turn Brendan Hansen’s turning technique is on full display here, but we also notice the thinking, planning, and adjusting that’s going on each time he sees the wall during the breath. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/925-breaststroke-turn> fitness training swimming  Friday Brendan Hansen:  Breaststroke Timing In two stroke cycles, Brendan Hansen delivers a master class in breaststroke timing.  Look for ONE thing and take the image to the pool with you. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/916-breaststroke-timing> fitness training swimming  Saturday Jason Lezak: Slow Motion Sprinting Here’s slow-motion of Jason Lezak’s sprint freestyle.  We notice the commitment to extension even at race pace. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/977-slow-motion-sprinting> fitness training swimming  Sunday Kaitlin Sandeno:   Underwater Dolphin Kick – Back Full-body flow is what comes to mind as we watch Kaitlin Sandeno’s underwater kick. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/555-underwater-dolphin-back> fitness training swimming  Bonus Ash Delaney: Stable Head Slow Motion This clip is longer than 42 seconds, but we like it because it zeroes in on one aspect of Ash Delaney’s backstroke. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1613-backstroke-stable-head>

Nov. 23, 2021 - Breaststroke Kick Width

Nov. 23, 2021 - Breaststroke Kick Width

Breaststroke Kick Monday - Kick Size https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2924-breaststroke-kick-size :16 - Talk about the mathematical relationship Set the water speed but then vary the type of kick 1:23 - Normal Kick 1:33 - Recognize the back and forth motion of the body 1:38 - smaller kick 1:45 - Normal kick 1:54 - smaller kick Play with size and focus on resistance Talk about the noodle on the stick experiment - stay in place Tuesday - Recovery Awareness https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2393-breaststroke-kick-recovery-awareness From beginning - look at line from shoulder to hip to knees :25 - breaststroke showing the line and the thigh break :27 - wall kick - recover the heels behind the body :37 - on back with board :48 - streamline kick on back 1:00 - head lead kick underwater 1:11 - bring the heels to the hands - feel the thigh resistance 1:22 - head lead with hands in front of thighs Become more aware of the avoidance of tucking the legs up 1:47 - Thigh kick to position 11 - also works on underwater recovery This focuses the swimmer on minimizing the tuck, the carry that through to the kick 1:59 - Position 11 kick to swim Focus on legs first then carry that into full stroke. 2:16 - Show the thigh break Wednesday - Finish Your Kick - Dave https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/588-finish-your-kick :12 - show finished kick :31 - Picture perfect finish :51 - Pointed toes as the catch sets :52 - Legs still straight as insweep occurs :53 - Feet recover inside of knees 1:43 - Kyle doesn’t finish 1:49 - Sammy doesn’t finish 2:30 - Perfect point 2:40 - Underwater kick 2:51 - Kick and ride 3:20 - blurry tiles Thursday - Kick with a Board https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1718-breaststroke-kick-with-a-board :10 - advantage of using a board is isolation and air :20 - eyes in or at surface :25 - lazy board hold - avoid :33 - Head and hands too high :38 - keep the board more parallel to the surface :45 - goggles in :52 - up to air during recover of the legs :59 - hold board underwater 1:12 - Stabilize everything Friday - Felipe Kick with a Band https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2663-narrow-kick-with-band-breaststroke Personal teaching pref - not for novice or learning From beginning Board - Snorkel - Band :13 - Stability and symmetry :20 - band holds knees in :36 - Illustrate Narrow Wide for later :48 - Look at thigh break angle :57 - Thigh break angle 1:07 - Close the feet 1:34 - Turbulence and Vortices 1:54 - Totally narrow back 2:04 - Narrow knees recovery 2:22 - Narrow knees recovery 2:51 - Talking about the strap as a crutch 3:21 - Narrow Wide Saturday - Breaststroke Kick - Roque https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/489-breaststroke-kick :12 - Pointed toes :14 - Thigh break a bit bigger - bigger guy! :16 - Back to line and pointed toes :29 - wide recovery - bad :43 - Best foot finish EVER! :45 - toes and feet together :48 - draw into the recovery with the feet together, keeping it narrow :49 - Kick is still fairly narrow, but feet get outside the body line :50 - foot finish! 1:14 - Contrast drill - BAD! 1:28 - Hiding calves and feet behind thighs 2:02 - knees shoulder width 2:28 - bad demo again! 2:36 - good demo Sunday - Hide your Feet - Amanda https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/526-hide-your-feet-and-kick-butt :10 - High recovery and look at the thigh break :11 - Pointed toes :18 - Narrow knees - slightly wider feet on draw :19 - In line in front as the kick gets ready to pay back :30 - Toes pointed and touching :42 - Calves feet hidden behind thighs :48 - First move of feet is UP 1:12 - Feet turned out 1:17 - Set up to launch - Ankle flexibility 1:24 - Perfect feet turn-out 1:44 - Hip draw brings the legs 1:48 - Feet set - More thigh break but the payoff is amazing 1:53 - First stroke from above shows hip draw 2:10 - Narrow Wide 2:36 - Putting it all together - Hip draw - Leg draw - payoff Bonus: https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/3267-breaststroke-kick-width

July 5, 2022 - Don’t Break your Wrist Zoom

July 5, 2022 - Don’t Break your Wrist Zoom

Monday <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/539-slow-mo-under-water-hands-eyes> :09 - straight wrists on outsweep :16 - straight wrists on outsweep :17 - slight break or pivot on instep :18 - palms facing back :24 - creating a longer paddle :25 - palms facing back :33 - palms facing back :41 - hands inline during pulldown 1:01 - palms facing back 1:02 - hands nearly touching body 1:10 - palms facing back through the finish of the pull into the recovery 1:15 - body completely under Tuesday <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/875-breaststroke-outsweep-and-head-to-air> :05 - no break in the wrist :06 - forearms - wrists - hands - one unit :10 - back to recovery…. Still one unit :17 - creating a long lever with the full arm :18 - no break in the wrist :24 - beautiful timing :29 - body completely under Step the whole pull through to look for any break in the wrist Wednesday <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/636-bent-arm-pull> 1:00 - old style traditional deep connection 1:01 - reaches full bend deep in the water 1:11 - no break in the wrist 1:15 - slight scull on exit 1:17 - Jeff at speed Get a sense that the arm pierces and not push the water on entry 1:32 - arm straight - but pierced down - no press yet 1:40 - no break in the wrist into the catch 1:42 - hand - forearm - biceps - perpendicular to the body at the shoulders 2:00 - arm entry with straight arm 2:03 - initial “press” down is a pierce down 2:04 - keep the wrist straight and build a leverage point 2:05 - perpendicular pull 2:19 - hand enters 2:24 - driving forward and down 2:26 - perpendicular pull 2:30 - hand exits 2:47 - straight arm no break in the wrist 2:50 - incredibly deep 3:15 - smooth swimming 4:00 - slo-mo full speed swimming Thursday <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/937-backstroke-catch> :03 - no break in the wrist :09 - deeper left arm but a bit of pierce Ala Jeff Rouse :15 - no break in the wrist and perpendicular arm position :17 - no break in the wrist, pushing slightly down to aid rotation :18 - hand slices out Friday <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1588-butterfly-head-underwater-side-slowmotion> :18 - no break of the wrist :19 - no break of the wrist through the pull :19 - straight wrists through the exit :22 - show repeated straight forearm wrist :57 - set up for breath with straight arm :59 - LOOK at that connection 1:05 - Step through Saturday <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/673-bonus-pull-buoy-and-paddles> :09 - initiating the connection Step to the catch - slight bend but hooked arm :10 - finish of the stroke arm is stacked :10 - left arm straight from paddle to forearm :11 - right arm connection - wrist straight :22 - right arm connection :26 - left arm connection :29 - straight wrist :44 - no break in wrist :45 - no break in wrist :48 - continue to step through showing examples Sunday <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/104-freestyle-hands-underwater-slow-motion> From beginning - Interesting thumb position :05 - no break in wrist :08 - palming a basketball - straight wrist line :14 - Continue to step through showing various examples Bonus <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2697-1-front-scull-strapless> <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2614-backstroke-freestyle-pull-on-your-back>

Oct. 31, 2023 - Breaststroke Athletic Instinct Zoom

Oct. 31, 2023 - Breaststroke Athletic Instinct Zoom

Oct 31, 2023 - Fighting Athletic Instinct - Breaststroke Fighting Athletic Instinct – Breaststroke As athletes, we have a tendency to always want to be doing work.  But that instinct is often counterproductive. This week we explore things you might be doing in breaststroke that feel productive and fast and powerful, but that might be holding you back. Monday Denniston Drills: Mini Pull When it comes to the breaststroke pull, bigger is not usually better. Dave Denniston shows how a mini pull can make you faster with less work. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/195-mini-pull> Think of the equation of force over resistance. You must be able to create more force than the resistance you create. Tuesday Breast Drill: Forced Hand Speed Here’s how to use a FINIS Tempo Trainer to imprint a smaller breaststroke pull. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1235-breaststroke-forced-hand-speed> :30 - getting stuck :39 - Tempo Trainer - big paddles - fins :43 - using 2 dolphins rather than 1 and continues using 2 dolphins :55 - would much prefer he didn’t kick while waiting :59 - pulling on every other beep 1:02 - stroke on each beep 1:13 - start to make the tempo faster 1:21 - sprint rate 1:32 - driving too much from the legs - straighter legs Wednesday Breast Drill: Soft Outsweep A common place where you might be wasting energy on breaststroke: the outsweep. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2080-breaststroke-soft-outsweep> :10 - soft out :13 - soft out :16 - soft out into stroke :22 - fins with flutter kick to isolate water pressure on the hands :32 - use the still water and the angle of your hands to push the hands out :38 - angle the fingers out slightly :42 - compare the first two with the third out sweep - make them the same speed prior to the pull :50 - Slow down 1:05 - .2x speed - look how far back the elbows go -  1:06 - watch how she keeps the hands linear as they shoot forward. Thursday Brendan Hansen: Breaststroke Outsweep and Head to Air (side view) From the side, notice that Brendan Hansen doesn’t engage the palms until his hands are ready to engage with the water as they come around the “corners.” <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/876-breaststroke-outsweep-and-head-to-air> :00 - soft hands out :03 - high elbows - engaging lats - lifting eyes to pierce the surface :05 - look at the depth of the elbows :07 - linear attack forward :09 - head falls between the arms for the delivery of the kick :17 - elbows high - hands in line - head positioned to pierce - lats engaged :20 - depth of elbows :22 - fast recovery to a great line Friday A big, wide breaststroke kick feels powerful. But is it powerful enough to overcome the resistance that you set up by going wide? It’s an equation every swimmer has to solve. Glenn EP: Kick Size <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2924-breaststroke-kick-size> 1:25 - set the water speed 1:29 - see how far back you get pressed during each set up 1:34 - start to focus more on the resistance you create rather than the propulsion you give 1:37 - smaller kick - how far back do you travel 1:45 - alternate between the two for the search and comparison Saturday If you’re going to learn a great breaststroke kick, why not study one of the best: Roque Santos. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1390-breaststroke-narrow-kick-with-roque-santos> :12 - knees stay at or inside the shoulders :26 - recovering the feet behind the thighs :37 - finger touch kick - recover the heals high :50 - heals up but look at the line from the shoulders / torso / knees 1:05 - completes each kick in line - FINISH THE JOB! 1:09 - buoy kick 1:16 - no buoy - look how similar the width of the kick looks 1:34 - .2x - maximum line between torso and knees Sunday Breast Drill: Smaller Kick Faster Rate Here’s how to get started training a smaller breaststroke kick. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2319-breaststroke-smaller-kick-faster-rate> :14 - big kick :24 - smaller kick :35 - tiny kick :51 - focus on smaller kick and increase rate 1:03 - higher rate 1:14 - highest rate Bonus: Soft Outsweep Glenn EP: Soft Outsweep for Breaststroke <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/3155-soft-outsweep-for-breaststroke> Mini Pull and Mini Kick Denniston Drills: Underwater Breaststroke <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/179-underwater-breaststroke> Mini Kick Carlos Almeida: Kick on a Board <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1245-drill-kick-on-a-board> Anton McKee: Breaststroke Legs <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2313-preview-breaststroke-legs> Felipe Lima: Kick Board with Snorkel <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2662-kick-board-with-snorkel-breaststroke>

Oct. 10, 2023 - Injury Prevention in Breaststroke Zoom

Oct. 10, 2023 - Injury Prevention in Breaststroke Zoom

Injury Prevention in Breaststroke When it comes to injury prevention in swimming, freestylers (and their rotator cuffs) get most of the attention. But what about breaststrokers and their stressed-out knees, ankles, leg tendons, groins, and biceps? This week we send out some ideas for avoiding injury in GoSwim’s favorite stroke. Monday Breast Drill: Kick Variation To avoid breaststroker’s knee, learn how to vary your kick! <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1389-breaststroke-kick-variation> :50 - Narrow recovery :57 - Wider recovery 1:05 - Narrow 1:10 - Normal Kick 1:16 - Wide kick 1:30 - complete and finish each kick Tuesday Breast Drill: Pull Buoy Kick From developing a narrower kick, to avoiding knee pain, kicking breaststroke with a pull buoy is a very useful drill. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1376-breaststroke-pull-buoy-kick> :22 - Hold the buoy between the thighs :36 - requires good ankle flexibility to grab some water :51 - feel the grab of the water at the top of the kick 1:03 - point the toes out Wednesday Breast Drill: Band Kick Train a narrow breaststroke kick with a band around the ankles. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/837-breaststroke-band-kick> :15 - too wide :25 - theraband around the ankles :40 - holding the ankles a bit closer together :49 - criss cross the band :58 - kick with a board to get used to it 1:07 - feel the band stretch out as you grab the water 1:15 - move to full stroke with a typical kick 1:37 - teach the kick BACK not just out and around Thursday Breast Drill: Single-Leg Kick Single-leg kick is a great way to reveal – and correct – imbalances that can lead to injury. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1026-breaststroke-single-leg-kick> :16 - kick breaststroke one leg at a time :30 - build quickness and coordination  :38 - see if there are differences in how you connect or kick w each leg 1:03 - initiate the single leg kick underwater 1:09 - 3-3 kick 1:15 - 2-2 kick 1:18 - 1-1 kick 1:22 - back to regular kick 1:51 - play with your own variations Friday Breast Drill: Narrow to Wide Pull Breaststroke pull can put stress on the biceps. Learning to vary the width of your pull can help prevent overuse injury – and adds interest to your breaststroke sets. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1974-breaststroke-narrow-to-wide-pull> :15 - World class width :21 - start with a very small pull :23 - a little larger pull :25 - larger still :28 - larger or normal stroke :35 - small :38 - wider :41 - wider (in theory) :50 - gradually building a wider stroke Saturday Denniston Drills: Fast Hands with Flutter Kick Doing breaststroke with flutter kick is a killer way to avoid overuse injury to the knees. It’s also a great way to work on fast hands and your breaststroke LINE. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/200-fast-hands-with-flutter-kick> :12 - flutter kick breaststroke :30 - continuous kick :43 - quick strokes :59 - continuous kick Sunday Breast Drill: 4-Stroke Free Breast Combo drills are a great way to avoid overuse injuries. Here’s how to combine breast and free. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1701-breaststroke-4-stroke-free-breast> :29 - regular free :31 - high recovery free for the weight :33 - dive into the glide :42 - dive into the glide :51 - dive into the glide and into the outsweep :54 - keep the eyes down during the outsweep 1:22 - extending long and below the surface Bonus: Breast Drill: Kick with Fins Two benefits: 1) reduce stress on the biceps by pulling every other stroke, and 2) imprint a better catch position for the feet and ankles. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1323-breaststroke-kick-with-fins> 1:12 - double kick w fins Breast Drill (Glenn in EP): Kick Size Overhead views of breaststroke kick with size variations <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2924-breaststroke-kick-size> 1:43 - variations in recovery resistance Golomeev: Physioball Balance Great dryland exercise for strengthening the inner thighs. <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2275-physioball-balance> Breaststroke - Medball Kick <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/2626-breaststroke-medball-kick> :33 - hold it between your knees :50 - release the ball Double Medball Eggbeater <https://www.goswim.tv/lessons/1577-training-double-med-ball-eggbeater> 1:54 - straighten the arms 2:08 - sand filled Chat - 12:07:28 From Beth Baker To Everyone: Are you talking about the pullout? 12:08:42 From Coach Dan Jimar To Glenn Mills(Privately): Mille 12:08:55 From Coach Dan Jimar To Everyone: Mille 12:09:17 From Randy Parker To Everyone: Rebecca Soni 12:10:37 From Melinda Wolff To Everyone: YES!!! REbecca Soni is who I was trying to remember! Thanks, Randy. 12:15:11 From Monty Krieger To Everyone: Are you suggesting changes PRIOR to injury or response to injury? 12:15:25 From Coach Dan Jimar To Glenn Mills(Privately): replace breaststroke kick with fly kick when knees are hurting (other options?) 12:16:20 From Coach Dan Jimar To Glenn Mills(Privately): torn hamstring from wakeboard (for me personally, Thursday a week and a half ago). 12:16:45 From William park ChPC To Glenn Mills(Privately): Great teaching Glenn thank you happy move to your new house. Go Blue. Sorry I have to go 12:20:23 From Paul Howard To Everyone: Pull bouy also helps with teaching leg turnover turn over intern to support arm turn over. 12:21:49 From Nancy Schley To Everyone: For hams and groin mm pulls, careful gentle stretches ..don't over stretch these two 12:25:27 From Coach Dan Jimar To Everyone: thank you 12:27:49 From Melinda Wolff To Everyone: Look at her ankles in her K - amazing flexibility! 12:29:19 From Beth Baker To Everyone: Love how fast she gets her hands out regardless of the width of her pull 12:31:12 From Coach Dan Jimar To Glenn Mills(Privately): I start them (esp younger) with scowling out and in with hands and build the arms bigger from there 12:31:41 From Melinda Wolff To Everyone: Who is this swimmer with fast hands? Such a great, smooth stroke! 12:34:48 From Monty Krieger To Everyone: are you doing one dolphin kick when you do exchange? 12:35:57 From Monty Krieger To Everyone: What is the advantage of that other than less breaststroke? 12:37:45 From Cindy Dyer To Everyone: I purchased these fins a few months and have helped me understand what my legs and feet are to 12:37:54 From Cindy Dyer To Everyone: doing 12:38:53 From Lindsay Leigh To Everyone: Which Finis fins are these again? 12:39:22 From Lindsay Leigh To Everyone: https://www.finisswim.com/Positive-Drive-Fin Found them! 12:45:08 From Monty Krieger To Everyone: are the 2 10Lb med balls allowed under the Geneva Convention? 12:49:44 From Monty Krieger To Everyone: What about length one swims breaststroke - are shorter distances ‘fast’ better than longer distance repeats? 12:54:25 From Beth Baker To Glenn Mills(Privately): Not sure if you saw my text. But, how do you avoid a dolphin kick at end of a breast stroke? What is the swimmer missing? Balance, alignment? I can communicate with you offline if best. 12:54:30 From Monty Krieger To Glenn Mills(Privately): Do you have a hard time lifting your torso up (pulling hips forward) when going slowly/purposefully? 12:54:41 From julie Phillips To Everyone: can you just use a pullbuoy to help with a narrow kick 12:55:31 From Barbara Hummel To Everyone: Julie, I do a lot of that to help with narrow kick. Usually alternate a length of free pull and a length of breast 12:55:52 From julie Phillips To Everyone: Reacted to "Julie, I do a lot of..." with 👍 12:56:10 From Barbara Hummel To Everyone: It does elevate your body position a bit. When you take off the pull buoy you’ll ride a little lower in the water. 12:56:40 From Gregg Thurlbeck To Everyone: Some people, women in particular, who have a flatter breaststroke have a lot of difficulty with using a pull buoy because the feet come out of the water 12:57:10 From Beth Baker To Everyone: Reacted to "Some people, women i..." with 👍 12:57:16 From Shirley Chung To Everyone: Reacted to "Some people, women i..." with 👍 12:57:24 From Nancy Schley To Everyone: that's good!! 12:57:34 From Melinda Wolff To Glenn Mills(Privately): I'm still hankering for information on HOW to breathe, before, during and after racing. 12:58:39 From Beth Baker To Everyone: Straight arm pull feels powerful but EVF is what we SHOULD be doing. 12:59:15 From Amy Brown To Everyone: Exactly!!!! Never felt injury from swimming until recently entering a new decade. 12:59:32 From Beth Baker To Everyone: Would love a zoom session on that! 13:01:15 From Camy Gitwenty To Everyone: yes, a zoom on "it feels fast but I"m slower" and "it feels slow but I ride fast effortless" 13:02:12 From Beth Baker To Everyone: Reacted to "yes, a zoom on "it f..." with 👍 13:03:21 From Nancy Schley To Everyone: Good luck with moving! 13:03:24 From Nicole Linn To Everyone: Thank you!!